1590 gm plain flour
30gm salt
70 gm white fat
14 gm sugar
90 gm yeast
850 gm water
30 gm milk powder |
Sieve all dry ingredients together, then rub in the fat.
Dissolve the yeast in warm water, then add to the ingredients & mix thoroughly.
Knead for 10-15 minutes, cover with a cloth & stand for 30 minutes in a
warm place.
Knead it again & stand for another 30 minutes.
Weight dough into 285 gm pieces, shape each into a round ball & allow to stand for 10 minutes.
Roll out to a 22cm diameter, cover & leave in a warm place for 20 minutes.
Place on a hot tray & press a shallow hole in the middle with a finger.
Cook in a hot over (gas 8 / 230 C / 450 F) turning after 8 minutes & baking until golden brown. Allow to cool, but remember that the best way to eat a stotty is when it's still warm & fresh from the oven.