Nickname :
Home town : caloundra australia
Sex : male
Age : 42
Communications No. : icq 92240863
E.mail : [email protected]
Favourite food : cheese and onion
Hated food : vegetables
Favourite drink : victoria bitter
Hated drink : gilsland spa water
Favourite watering holes : noosa
surf club
Favourite groups : rolf harris
No.1 favourite song : two little
No.1 hated song : dancing queen
No.1 favourite Film : waterloo
Favourite TV progs. : crackerjack
Crap TV progs. : scottish football
Perfect date : new years eve
Nightmare date : january 2nd
No.1 hero : bert garrow
Favourite footie team : the mariners
Hobbies : visiting relations in jail
Lifetime achievements : Sat next to
karen barnes for maths lessons
My story : once upon a time I lived in
south shields, but I now live
in australia and they all died happy ever after