Nickname :
Home town : south shields
Sex : last time i looked male
Age : 49
Communications No. :
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Favourite food : pasta
Hated food : i think sushi but I not try
Favourite drink : anything with "proof" on label
Hated drink : anything that doesn't have "proof" on label
Favourite watering holes : west
park hotel
Favourite groups : xtc, blur.
beatles. jethro tull
No.1 favourite song : waterloo sunset" by the
No.1 hated song : anything rap or garage or bass
No.1 favourite Film : the matrix
Favourite TV progs. : meet the ancestors.
coronation street
Crap TV progs. : the big
breakfast. pop idol, big brother. stars in their eyes. anything with
Perfect date : margaret becket and
edwina currie
Nightmare date : the woman round the corner runs the
off license and has a moustache
No.1 hero : my father
Favourite footie team : brighton and
hove albion
Hobbies : writing. driving. nuclear physics
Lifetime achievements : making new life in this country having five children
against the odds. liking matey jakey
My story : my story very long and complex if you have long time to spare maybe
i tell you. went to school here for little while. mortimer road. thats why
i come here after being expelled slovenia after nuclear accident.
You can find me on the
message boards