[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896.
[Ch. 1.]

An Act to empower the Corporation of the Borough of South Shields to apply for an increase of Aldermen
and Councillors to construct Street Tramway Quay and other Works to make better provision for the health and good government of the Borough and for other purposes.
[2nd July 1896.]
WHEREAS the borough of South Shields in the county of Durham is a municipal borough subject to the Acts relating to municipal
corporations and a county borough within the meaning of the Local Government Act 1888 and is under the government of the mayor aldermen and burgesses of the borough (herein-after referred to as
" the Corporation ")
who acting by the council are also the urban sanitary authority for the district of the borough:
And whereas certain local Acts and Orders mentioned in the First Schedule to this Act have from time
to time been passed made and confirmed and are still wholly or partially in form within the borough which Acts and
Orders are in this Act referred to collectively as "the former Acts" and each of them
separately as an Act or Order of the year in which the same was passed: And whereas it is expedient to empower the Corporation to apply to Her Majesty in Council for an increase of the numbers of the aldermen and councillors of the borough and the said council to make such increase: And whereas it is expedient that the Corporation be empowered to make and maintain the new streets and street extensions widenings and improvements herein-after mentioned:
And whereas by the Order of 1881 the Corporation were authorised to construct and maintain wholly within the borough the street tramways therein described and under the Orders of 1881 and 1883 have constructed certain of such tramways and it is
[Price 5s. 6d.] A 1
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