[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.]
From a point 4-30 chains south of the junction of Gilbert Street with South Eldon Street to a point
4.50 chains south-west of the said point ;
From a point 3.40 chains north-east of the point of intersection of the centre line of the North Eastern Railway with the centre line of Tramway No. 4 to a point 4 chains southwest of the said point;
From a point 4.15 chains from a point opposite the east end of St. Mary's Terrace to a point in Dean Lane
2.10 chains south-west of the first-named point;
From a point 2.87 chains north-east of the termination of Tramway No. 4 to the said termination of Tramway No. 4.
16. The tramways shall be constructed on a gauge of three feet six inches :
Provided always that so much of section 34 of the Tramways Act 1870 as limits the extent of the carriage used on any tramway beyond the outer edge of the wheels of such carriage shall not apply to the carriages used on the tramways but no engine or carriage used on such tramways shall exceed six feet in width.
17. If the tramways are not completed within seven years from the passing of this Act then on the expiration of that period the powers by this Act granted to the Corporation for making and completing the tramways or otherwise in relation thereto shall cease except as to so much of the tramways respectively as is then completed.
18. The meaning of the expression mechanical power wherever used in the Order of 1881 is hereby extended so as to include cables and electricity.
19. The following sections of the Order of 1881 (that is to say)
Section 10 (Provisions as to construction of tramways) ;
Section 11 (As to rails of tramways) ;
Section 12 (Penalty for not maintaining rails and road in good condition) ;
Section 14 (Additional crossings &c. may be made where necessary) ;
Section 15 (Temporary tramways may be made where necessary) ;
Section 16 (Application of road materials excavated in construction of works) ;
Section 17 (Tramways not to be opened until certified by Board of Trade) ;
Section 18 (Carriages may be moved by animal steam or mechanical power) ;
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