[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.]

sign-board sign-post sign-iron show-board advertisement barber's pole flag pole or other pole pipe flag or banner or any other like projection from or at any building and whether erected before or after the passing of this Act which the Corporation may determine to be dangerous or an obstruction to the safe or convenient use of any street.
85. The Corporation may from time to time when and as they think it expedient put up and continue and from time to time remove or discontinue drinking fountains and cattle troughs with proper conveniences for the gratuitous supply of water for drinking and for watering of cattle and horses at such fountains or troughs respectively and may furnish or discontinue such gratuitous supply (but for such drinking and watering only) in such public places as the Corporation may think fit but not against or in the immediate proximity of any private dwelling-house warehouse counting-house shop or other building or the fence or wall of any garden or pleasure ground except with the consent of the owner and occupier thereof and every person who shall wilfully use any water so gratuitously
supplied elsewhere or otherwise than as herein-before mentioned or foul such water shall for every such offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding forty shillings which penalty may be recovered summarily by the Corporation or by the water company,
86. No person shall in any new street commence to erect any new building or to excavate for the foundation thereof until the whole length of the street shall have been defined by posts or in some other sufficient manner to the satisfaction of the Corporation to indicate the approved line and level thereof Any person who shall offend against this section shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds and to a daily penalty not exceeding twenty shillings.
87. From and after the commencement of this Act
The re-erection wholly or partially on the same site of any building of which an outer wall is pulled down or burnt down to or within ten feet of the surface of the adjoining ground and of any frame building so far pulled down or burnt down as to leave only the framework of the ground floor storey thereof;
The conversion into a dwelling-house of any building not originally constructed for human habitation or the conversion into more than one dwelling-house of a building originally constructed as one dwelling-house only;
The re-conversion into a dwelling-house of any building which has been discontinued as and appropriated for any purpose other than that of a dwelling-house;
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