[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.]

sheds shooting galleries stands and stalls (whether fixed or movable) or vehicles for the sale or exposure of any article or thing or any shows exhibitions performances swings roundabouts
switchchback or other railways or other erections vans photo graphic carts or other vehicles whether drawn or propelled by animals or persons or steam or other motive power and the playing of any games on the seashore or any part or parts thereof and generally for regulating the user of the seashore for such purposes as shall be prescribed by such byelaws ;
For regulating the selling and hawking of any article commodity or thing on the seashore;
For regulating the user of the seashore or any part thereof for riding and driving;
For the preservation of order and good conduct among persons frequenting the seashore :
Provided that the provisions of this section or of any byelaws thereunder shall not apply to any lands of the Tyne Improvement
Commissioners without their consent or to that portion of the seashore which lies to the west of the new sea road and is in lease to the Harton Coal Company Limited unless and until the Corporation becomes owners in possession thereof.
57. The Corporation may from time to time make byelaws-
(1.) For appointing and limiting the places on the seashore from which persons of each sex may bathe without using a bathing machine and for prohibiting the use for bathing without using a bathing machine of any other places on the seashore ;
(2.) For the preservation of decency and order at public bathing places on the seashore; and
(3.) For regulating the hours during which bathing may take place from public bathing places on the seashore and for prohibiting the use of such places except during the hours so fixed and may by such byelaws prescribe the use of decent and sufficient bathing garments.
58. The Corporation may from time to time make byelaws requiring the owner or lessee of any bathing machine to provide or employ boats boatmen and attendants and to provide life saving apparatus for the purpose of ensuring the safety of bathers and prescribing the qualifications of such boatmen and attendants and the Corporation may employ and pay boatmen for the purpose of protecting persons whilst bathing..
59. The provisions of this part of this Act or of any byelaws thereunder
shall not apply to the lands of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England without their consent.
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