[Ch. 1.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [59 & 60 Vict.]

`` The tramways " means the tramways authorised by this Act; " Quay works " means the new quay and the extension or widening of the Mill Dam Quay by this Act authorised;
" Seashore " means and includes so much of the seashore foreshore and sands within the borough as abut on the North Sea the River Tyne ;
" Infectious disease" means any infectious disease to which the Infectious Disease (Notification) Act 1889 for the time being applies within the borough;
"Dairy" includes any farm farmhouse cowshed milk store milk shop or other place from which milk is supplied or in which milk is kept for purposes of sale;
" Dairyman " includes any cowkeeper purveyor of milk or occupier of a dairy milk store or milk shop;
" Sky sign " means any word letter model sign device or representation in the nature of an advertisement announcement direction supported on or attached to any post pole standard framework or other support wholly or in part over any house building or structure which or any part of which sky sign shall he visible against the sky from any point in any street and includes all and every part of any such post pole standard framework or other support The expression " sky sign " shall also include any balloon parachute or similar device employed wholly or in part for the purposes of any advertisement announcement on over or above any building structure
or erection of any kind or on or over any street but shall not include (i.) Any flagstaff pole vane or weathercock unless adapted or used wholly or in part, for the purposes of any advertisement or announcement or (ii.) Any sign or any boa frame or other contrivance securely fixed to or upon the
top of any wall or parapet of any building or the cornice blocking course of any wall or to the ridge of a roof
Provided that such board frame or contrivance be of a continuous face and not open work and do not extend height more than three feet above any part of the wall parapet or ridge to or against or on which it is fixed or sup ported or (iii.) Any such word letter model sign device sign or representation as aforesaid which relates exclusively to t business of a railway company and which is placed or
may be placed wholly upon or over any railway station yard platform or station approach belonging to a railway company and which is also so placed that it could not fall into any street other than a station approach or street belonging to or maintained by a railway company;
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