[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.]

(3.) (A.) Before any electric line is laid down or any act or work for working the tramways by electricity is done within ten yards of any part of a telegraphic line of the
Postmaster-General (other than repairs or the laying of lines crossing the line of the Postmaster-General at right angles at the point of shortest distance and so continuing for a distance of six feet on each side of such point) the Corporation or their agents not more than twenty-eight nor less than fourteen days before commencing the work shall give written notice to the
Postmaster-General specifying the course of the line and the nature of the work including the gauge of any wire and the Corporation and their agents shall conform with such reasonable requirements (either general or special) as may from time to time be made by the Postmaster-General for the purpose of preventing
any telegraphic line of the Postmaster-General from being injuriously affected by the said act or work;
(B.) Any difference which arises between the Postmaster-General and the Corporation or their agents with respect to any requirements so made shall be determined by arbitration:
(4.) In the event of any contravention of or wilful non-compliance with this section by the Corporation or their agents the Corporation shall be liable to a fine not exceeding ten pounds for every day during which such contravention or non-compliance continues or if the telegraphic communication is wilfully interrupted not exceeding fifty pounds for every day on which such interruption continues :
(5.) Provided that nothing in this section shall subject the Corporation or their agents to a fine under this section if they satisfy the court having cognizance of the case that the immediate doing of the act or execution of the work was required to avoid an accident or otherwise was a work of emergency and that they forthwith served on the postmaster or sub-postmaster of the postal telegraph office nearest to the place where the act or work was done a notice of the execution thereof stating the reason for doing or executing the same without previous notice :
(6.) For the purposes of this section a telegraphic line of the Postmaster-General shall be deemed to be injuriously affected by an act or work if telegraphic communication by means of such line is whether through induction or otherwise in any manner affected by such act or work or by any use made of such work : (7.) For the purposes of this section and subject as therein provided sections 2 8 9 10 11 and 12 of the Telegraph Act 1878 shall be deemed to be incorporated with this Act as if the
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