[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.]

occupiers of such house or building for such injury provided the claim for compensation in respect thereof be made by such owners within twelve months and by such lessees or occupiers within six months from the discovery thereof:
(8.) Nothing in this enactment contained nor any dealing with any property in pursuance of this enactment shall relieve the Corporation from the liability to compensate under the
sixty eighth section of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act 1845 or under any other Act :
(9.) Every case of compensation to be ascertained under this enactment shall be ascertained according to the provisions of the Lands Clauses Acts:
(10.) Nothing in this section shall repeal or affect the application of the ninety-second section of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act 1845.
47. The Corporation may during the execution and for the purposes of any works by this. Act authorised from time to time temporarily break up stop up divert and interfere with any street (including in that expression any road highway and thoroughfare) and may for any reasonable time prevent all persons other than any person in the employ of the gas company or the water company and acting in the execution of their duty and other than persons bona fide going to or returning from any house in the street from passing along and using the same.
48.-(1.) The Corporation shall not under the powers by this Act granted purchase or acquire in any parish ten or more houses which on the fifteenth day of December last were or have been since that day or shall hereafter be occupied either wholly or partially by persons belonging to the labouring class as tenants or lodgers unless and until
(A.) They shall have obtained the approval of the Local Government Board to a scheme for providing new dwellings for such number of persons as were residing in such houses on the fifteenth day of December last or for such number of persons as the Local Government Board shall after inquiry deem necessary having regard to the number of persons on or after that date residing in such houses and working within one mile therefrom and to the amount of vacant suitable accommodation in the immediate neighbourhood of such houses or to the place of employment of such persons and to all the circumstances of the case; and
(B.) They shall have given security to the satisfaction of the Local Government Board for the carrying out of the scheme.
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