[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.]
(3.) The Corporation shall comply with such reasonable requirements as may be made by the engineers of the gas company and the water company respectively for protecting from injury any gas pipe or water pipe and for securing access thereto :
(4.) Where the Corporation find it necessary to undermine but not to alter the position of any gas pipe or water pipe they shall to the reasonable satisfaction of the engineer of the gas company or the water company as the case may
require temporarily support the same in position during the execution of the tramway work and provide before completion thereof a proper foundation for such gas pipe or water pipe where undermined :
(5.) If any difference arise between the Corporation and either of the said companies touching this section or anything to be done or not to be done thereunder such difference shall be settled by an engineer or other fit person to be appointed on the application of either of the parties in difference by the Board of Trade and the expenses of the reference shall be borne as he shall direct.
28. Subject to the provisions of this Act the Corporation may make and maintain in the lines and situations and according to the levels shown on the deposited plans and sections the following works (that is to say) :-
(1.) A new quay having a frontage of 127 feet or thereabouts towards the west and the River Tyne:
(2.) An extension or widening of 56 feet or thereabouts of the existing Mill Dam Quay throughout its length on the northwestern or River Tyne side thereof.
29. Subject to the provisions of this Act in constructing the quay works the Corporation may deviate laterally from the lines thereof to any extent not exceeding the limits of lateral deviation shown on the deposited plans but so that no part of the work shall extend beyond such limits and may also deviate from the levels shown or, the deposited sections to any extent not. exceeding three feet:
Provided that no deviation of any works authorised by this Act within the limits of deviation of which any public navigable tidal river or channel is included shall be made from the lines thereof as shown on the deposited plans even within the limits of deviation shown on such plans in such manner as to diminish the navigable space of such river or channel without the previous consent of the Board of Trade or otherwise than in such manner as is expressly authorised by that Board.
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