[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.]
The Corporation may and if required so to do by the owner purchase the land lying between any such line as aforesaid and the centre of the street and the same when purchased shall vest in the Corporation as part of the street.
Whenever in any of the above cases the Corporation shall require the said line to be observed and kept they shall make full compensation to the owner and other persons interested in any land for any loss or damage they may sustain in consequence of the line of frontage being set back and the Corporation shall also make to the owner of any adjoining land or building and to
all other persons interested in any such land or building full compensation in respect thereof for all damage loss or injury (if any) sustained by them by reason of the Corporation requiring the said line to be observed and kept All compensation under this section shall in case of difference
be settled by arbitration in manner provided by the Public Health Act 1875.
If after any such line shall be so defined and prescribed as aforesaid any person shall wilfully or negligently act contrary to this enactment he shall far every such offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds and to a daily penalty not exceeding forty shillings.
75. No new street shall be laid out more than two hundred yards in length unless there shall be at every interval of two hundred yards of such length an intersecting street Provided that in any case where this regulation cannot be enforced without considerable interference with property the Corporation shall be at liberty to waive or modify the above requirement as they may deem proper.
If such intersecting street is intended only as a back approach to houses and not to have therein the principal entrance to any house or to form the approach to any other street the Corporation shall not be at liberty to require such intersecting street to be more than twenty feet in width.
76. The Corporation may by order from time to time determine and declare the points or limits at or within which any street is to be taken as beginning and ending.
77. Every continuation of an existing street shall for the purposes of the Public Health Acts and of this Act and of any byelaws made thereunder and for the time being in force within the borough be deemed to be a new street and shall be of the full width at the least of the street of which it shall be a continuation Provided always that such new street shall in no case be of less width than that specified in the byelaws for the time being in force Provided also
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