







[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.] 

at the office of the Corporation shall with the approval of the Corporation in writing under the hand of their officer appointed for that purpose (which approval and registration shall be revocable by the Corporation) reside and remain in such house and manage control and exercise proper supervision over the same and the inmates thereof as the case may be It any keeper of a common lodging-house offends against this enactment he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding forty shillings and to a daily penalty not exceeding twenty shillings.
149. Every common lodging-house whether registered before or after the passing of this Act shall to the satisfaction of the Corporation be provided with sufficient sanitary conveniences having regard to the number of lodgers who may be received in such common lodging-house and all waterclosets and urinals shall be provided with a proper water supply laid on for flushing purposes Any keeper of a common lodging-house who shall make default for twenty-eight days in complying with a notice from the Corporation requiring him to comply with the provisions of this section shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding forty shillings and to a daily penalty not exceeding twenty shillings The expression " sanitary conveniences" in this section includes urinals waterclosets earthclosets privies ashpits and any similar convenience.
150. Every person who without being registered as required by section 77 of the Public Health Act 1875 shall keep a common lodging-house within the borough shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds and to a daily penalty not exceeding forty shillings.
151. The Corporation may notwithstanding the provisions of section 78 of the Public Health Act 1875 refuse to register any person as a common lodging-house keeper unless they are satisfied of his character and fitness for the position.
152. Notwithstanding anything contained in section 88 of the Public Health Act 1875 where a common lodging-house keeper has been convicted of any offence against the provisions of the Public Health Acts or of this Act or of any byelaw made under the authority of any of the said Acts in respect of common lodging-houses the court before whom the conviction takes place may cancel the registration of such common lodging-house keeper.
153. Notice of the provisions of this part of this Act shall be served upon the keeper of every common lodging-house either personally or by leaving the same at the common lodging-house.
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South Shields Sanddancers