[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.]

such request shall for every such offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding forty shillings and to a daily penalty not exceeding twenty shillings.
102, All dairymen supplying milk within the borough from premises whether within or beyond the borough shall notify to the Corporation all cases of infectious disease among persons engaged in or in connexion with their dairies and in default shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding forty shillings.
103. A person who knows himself to be suffering from any infectious disease shall not milk any animal or pick fruit and shall not engage in any occupation connected with food intended for the use of man or carry on any trade or business in such a manner as to be likely to spread such infectious disease and if he does so he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding forty
104.-(1.) Where an inmate of any house shop workshop room or place is suffering from any infectious disease or where there is danger of infection in any house shop workshop room or place caused by any person so suffering who has ceased to be an inmate thereof the Corporation may issue an order that forthwith and until such order shall have been determined by another certifying such house shop workshop room or place free from infection the following regulations shall in respect of Such house shop workshop room or place be observed :
(a) No person shall in any such house shop workshop room or place exercise any indoor occupation which necessitates the handling of any food clothing or article likely to communicate any infectious disease or to retain infection and intended for sale or for the use of persons belonging to another family :
(b.) No article of food intended for sale or for the use of persons belonging to another family shall be removed from such house shop workshop room or place and no bedding clothing or other articles liable to communicate any infectious disease or to retain infection shall be removed from such house shop workshop room or place without previous
disinfect ion or without proper precautions (to the satisfaction of the medical officer of health) for the purpose of being disinfected or destroyed.
(2.) The Corporation shall make compensation to any person who shall have complied with the provisions of this section and who has thereby sustained loss but such compensation shall be in regard only of direct material and pecuniary loss and not in respect of any consequential loss or damage.
(3.) Any person who shall disobey or obstruct the execution of any order made by the Corporation under the foregoing provision
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