[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.]
Section 19 (Penalty for using steam or mechanical power contrary to Order or regulations) ;
Section 20 (Bylaws) ;
Section 21 (As to recovery of penalties) ;
Section 22 (Amendment of the Tramways Act 1870 as to byelaws by local authority) ;
Section 23 (Orders and byelaws to be signed &c.) ;
Section 24 (Traffic upon tramways) ;
Section 25 (Lessees not bound to carry animals goods &c.) ;
Section 26 (Provisions as to carriage of animals goods &c.);
Section 27 (Heavy traffic between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.) ;
Section 28 (Corporation may use tramways for sanitary purposes) ;
Section 29 (Tolls and charges) ;
Section 30 (Passengers' luggage) ;
Section 31 (Cheap fares for labouring classes) ;
Section 32 (Payment of tolls) ;
Section 33 (Periodical revision of tolls) ;
Section 34 (As to user of tramways and tolls thereon when open to be used by the public) ;
Section 35 'Tolls if tramways open to be used by the public) ;
Section 36 (Servants of the promoters to ride in carriages &c. free of charge) ;
Section 37 (Certain provisions of the Tramways Act 1870 as to licensees extended to persons using the tramways when open to the public) ;
Section 38 (Carriages or horses unfit for use may be removed) ;
Section 39 (Power to enter into agreements with respect to traffic &c.) ;
Section 40 (Provisions as to arbitration) ;
Section 43 (Saving for general Acts) ;
shall as extended by this Act so far as the same are applicable in that behalf and are not varied by or inconsistent with the provisions of this Act extend and apply mutatis mutandis to and in relation to the tramways by this Act authorised and in construing the said sections of the said Order for the purposes of this Act the word " Order " shall mean this Act the word " promoters " shall mean the Corporation and in sections 29 32 and 33 of and in Schedule B. to the said Order the word E` toll" shall mean " rates."
20. For the protection of the North Eastern Railway Company (in this section called
"the railway company") the following provisions shall at all times unless otherwise agreed between the
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