







[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.] 

be applied in discharge of any moneys borrowed by the Corporation under this Act and shall not be applied to the payment of instalments or to payments into the sinking fund except to such extent and upon such terms as may be approved by the Local Government Board Provided that borrowed money discharged by the application of such moneys shall not be re-borrowed and that the borrowing powers of the Corporation by this Act authorised shall be reduced to the extent of the amounts applied in the purchase of properties or the construction of works under the provisions of this section.
54. Nothing in this part of this Act shall be taken to dispense with the consent of the Local Government Board to any sale lease appropriation or other disposition of any lands of the Corporation in any case in which the consent of the Board would have been required if this Act had not been passed.

55. Every part of the seashore shall for the purposes of the Vagrancy Acts be deemed to be a public place and shall be deemed to be a street for the purposes of section 29 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847 and also for the purposes of so much of section 28 of that Act as relates to the following offence-, :
Every person who slaughters or dresses any cattle or any part thereof except in the case of any cattle over driven which may have met with any accident and which for the public safety or other reasonable cause ought to be killed on the spot;
Every common prostitute or night-walker loitering and importuning passengers for the purpose of prostitution ;
Every person who wilfully and indecently exposes his person ; Every person who publicly offers for sale or distribution or exhibits to public view any profane indecent or obscene book paper print drawing painting or representation or sings any profane or obscene song or ballad or uses any profane or obscene language;
Every person who wantonly discharges any firearm or discharges any missile or makes any bonfire
Every person who throws or lays any dirt litter or ashes or night soil or any carrion fish offal or rubbish on any street.
56. The Corporation may from time to time for the prevention of danger obstruction nuisance or annoyance to persons using the seashore make byelaws for all or any of the following purposes (that is to say) For regulating the erection or placing or continuance on the seashore or on any part or parts thereof of any booths tents 
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South Shields Sanddancers