[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.]

named in such notice and if he makes default in so doing the Corporation may enter and execute the work and recover the expenses thereof from the owner or other person liable under the lease or contract in a summary manner or where the owner is the person liable as private improvement expenses are recoverable under the Public Health Acts.
116. The provisions of section 73 of the Public Health Act 1875, shall extend and apply to every person occupying or suffering to be occupied any cellar dwelling which does not conform with the
requirements of section 72 of that Act although such cellar is not let or occupied or suffered to be occupied for hire or rent.
117. The Corporation may from time to time make byelaws for regulating the level at which the ground floor of any new building intended for human habitation is to be with reference to the adjoining ground.
118. Before any drain existing at the time of the passing of this Act and then not communicating with any sewer of the Corporation shall be made to communicate with any sewer of the Corporation the Corporation may require the same to be laid open for examination by the surveyor and no such communication shall be made until the surveyor shall have certified that such drain may be properly made to communicate with such sewer and the surveyor shall cause the ground to be closed and any damage done to be made good as soon as can be and the expense of the works shall be defrayed by the Corporation.
119. If any person intends to re-construct or alter the course of any drain communicating with any sewer of the Corporation he shall
give notice of his intention to the surveyor and shall supply to him
such plan and short description of the intended drain or work as the surveyor may require.
It shall not be lawful for any person to re-construct or alter the course of any drain as aforesaid except in accordance with the provisions of the byelaws relating to the drainage of new buildings.
Any person offending against this section shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds and to a daily penalty not exceeding five shillings.
120. The Corporation may in addition to any other remedy make a reasonable charge on the occupier of the building to which a privy tub pail ash-pit closet or cesspool belongs or is appurtenant for the
emptying or removal of any refuse rubbish or material other than house refuse.
121. If it shall appear to the Corporation by the report of the medical officer of health surveyor or inspector of nuisances that any
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