[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.]

the commercial prospects of the undertaking Provided also ' that at the expiration of two years from the passing of this Act nothing in this sub-section shall operate to give any right of action in respect of or to protect any electric wires lines or apparatus or the currents therein unless in the construction erection maintaining and working of such wires lines and apparatus all reasonable and proper precautions including the use of an insulated return have been taken to prevent injurious interference therewith and with the currents therein by or from other electric currents If any difference arises between the Corporation and any other party with respect to anything in this sub-section contained such- difference shall unless the parties otherwise agree be determined by the Board of Trade or at the option of the Board by an arbitrator to be appointed by the Board and the cost of such determination shall be in the discretion of the Board or of the arbitrator as the case may be.
(6.) Nothing in this section shall apply to the use of any electric line circuit or work of any company corporation or person authorised by Act of Parliament or Provisional Order confirmed by Parliament to supply energy for electric lighting purposes so far as such use is limited to such purposes :
(7.) The expression " the Corporation " in this section. shall include their lessees and the licencees and any person owning working or running carriages over any tramway of the Corporation.
27. For the protection of the gas company and the water company respectively the following provisions shall have effect (that is to say) :
(1.) In this section the expression tramway work includes all rails channels cuts grooves boxes electric lines or other work used or intended to be used for the purpose of moving by mechanical power (including cables steam compressed air and electricity) any engine carriage or truck on any tramway for the time being of the Corporation and the expressions " gas pipe " and " water pipe " include all mains pipes syphons valves and apparatus of the said respective companies in any street and all communication or service pipes whether belonging to the gas company or to the water company or to any persons supplied with gas or water by the said respective companies:
(2.) The provisions of sections 30 and 32 of the Tramways Act 1870 shall extend and apply to and in relation to the making forming laying down maintaining repairing renewing or removing of any tramway work:
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