[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. 1.]

And whereas estimates have been prepared by the Corporation of the cost of executing the powers of this Act in connexion with the following matters and such estimates are as follows :
For and in connexion with street works £132,000
For and in connexion with tramways £24,054
For and in connexion with the new quay £2,500
For and in connexion with the Mill Dam Quay £7,000
And whereas the works included in such estimates are permanent works within the meaning of section 234 of the Public Health Act 1875:
And whereas an absolute majority of the whole number of the council at a meeting held on the twelfth day of September one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four after ten clear days notice by public advertisement of the meeting and of the purpose thereof in the Shields Daily Gazette and Shipping Telegraph a local newspaper published and circulating in the borough such notice being in addition to the ordinary notices required for summoning that meeting resolved that the expense in relation to promoting the Bill for this Act should be charged on the borough
fund and borough rate and other funds and rates under the control of the council :
And whereas that resolution was published twice in the said Shields Daily Gazette and Shipping Telegraph and has received the approval of the Local Government Board:
And whereas the propriety of the promotion of the Bill for this Act was confirmed by an absolute majority of the whole number of the council at a further special meeting held in pursuance of a similar notice on the fourth day of February one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five being not leas than fourteen days after the deposit of the Bill for this Act in the Offices of the Houses of Parliament :
And whereas the owners and ratepayers of the borough by resolution in the manner provided in the Third Schedule of the Public Health Act 1875 consented to the promotion of the Bill for this Act:
And whereas plans and sections describing the lines situations and levels of the works authorised by this Act and plans showing the lands to be acquired under the powers of this Act and a book of reference to those plans containing the names of the owners or reputed owners lessees or reputed lessees and of the occupiers of lands required or which may be taken for the purposes or under the powers of this Act were duly deposited with the clerk of the peace for the county of Durham and are in this Act respectively referred to as the
deposited plans sections and book of reference:
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