[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.]

(2.) For the purpose of the new quay the lands shown on the deposited plan in connexion therewith and which they may require for the purpose thereof ;
(3.) For the purpose of the Mill Dam Quay extension the lands shown on the deposited plan in connexion therewith and which they may require for the purpose thereof;
(4.) For the purposes of the staith erected by the Corporation in Shadwell Street and Mile End Road and of the collection and dealing with refuse a piece of land in Shadwell Street;
(5.) For the purpose of sea water baths a piece of land in Pier Parade:
Provided that nothing in this Act shall authorise the Corporation otherwise than by agreement to purchase acquire interfere with take away prejudice or affect all or any of the rights of the Tyne Improvement Commissioners as lessors under an indenture made the ninth day of August one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three between the said
commissioners and the South Shields Salt Water Baths Company Limited now the Victoria Sea Water Baths Company (South Shields) Limited of the piece of land in Pier Parade the leasehold interest in which the Corporation are by this section authorised to acquire for the purpose of sea water baths.
42. If there be any omission misstatement or wrong description of any lands or of the owners lessees or occupiers of any lands shown on the deposited plans or specified in the deposited book of reference the Corporation after giving ten days' notice to the owners lessees and occupiers of the land in question may apply to two justices not being members of the council for the correction thereof and if it appear to the justices that the omission misstatement or wrong description arose from mistake they shall certify the same accordingly and they shall in their certificate state the particulars of the omission and in
what respect any such matter is misstated or wrongly described and such certificate shall be deposited with the clerk of the peace for the county of Durham and a duplicate thereof shall also be deposited with the parish clerk of the parish of Jarrow and such certificate and duplicate respectively shall be kept by such clerk of the peace and parish clerk respectively with the other documents to which the same relate and thereupon the deposited plans and book of reference shall be deemed. to be corrected according to such certificate and it shall be lawful for the Corporation to take the lands and execute the works in accordance with such certificate.
43. The powers of the Corporation for the compulsory purchase of lands for the purposes of this
Act shall cease after the expiration of five years from the passing of this Act.
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