







[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.] 

30. For the protection of the Tyne Improvement Commissioners in the construction of the quay works the following provisions unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Corporation and such Commissioners shall have effect (that is to say) :
(1.) The limits of deviation in respect of the new quay by this Act authorised shall be restricted to the face line of such quay shown on the deposited plans and as regards the return walls at the north and south ends respectively of such quay shall be as follows (that is to say) A line at right angles to the face of the said quay commencing at a point about ten feet southward of the point marked G on the deposited plans and terminating at the face of the existing quay wall on the south side of the Penny Pie Stairs and a line commencing at a point about five feet southward of the point marked F on the deposited plans and terminating at the face of the existing quay wall at the north boundary of Moore's glass works:
(2.) The limits of deviation in respect of the extension or widening by this Act authorised of the existing Mill Dam Quay shall be restricted to the lines of quay wall and return quay walls shown on the deposited plans :
(3.) The face and return quay walls of the said new quay and said extension or widening of the existing Mill Dam Quay respectively shall all be of sufficient strength and depth to allow a depth to be dredged immediately alongside of not less than twelve feet below the level of low water of ordinary spring tides increasing to twenty feet at a distance of fifty feet from the face of the quay in each case :
(4.) The Corporation shall before commencing any of the quay works submit to the Tyne Improvement Commissioners for their approval plans and sections showing the work or works proposed to be executed and the mode of execution and none of such works shall be carried out until the details and mode of construction have been approved by the said commissioners and except on the usual conditions on which the sanction of such commissioners is granted in respect of similar works affecting the River Tyne.
31. During the construction of the works for the extension and widening of Mill Dam Quay by this Act authorised the Corporation shall afford to the public going to and from the steamers of the Tyne General Ferry Company every reasonable facility of access.
32. If the quay works shown on the deposited plans are not completed within seven years from the passing of this Act then on the expiration of that period the powers by this Act granted to the Corporation for making and completing such works or otherwise in

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South Shields Sanddancers