[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.]

that this section shall not apply to or in the case of any continuation of any existing street the plan and section of which continuation have been approved of by the Corporation before the passing of this Act.
78. The owner or owners of any existing or future court yard or passage used in common by two or more occupiers (not being a public highway adopted and kept in repair by the Corporation) or of any part of such court yard or passage shall flag asphalte concrete or pave such court yard or passage or part thereof and make a drain through or along the same or such part thereof as the Corporation require and keep such flagging asphalting concreting or paving and drain in good repair to the satisfaction of the Corporation and if any such owner or owners for one month after notice in writing from the Corporation fail in any respect to comply with this provision he or they shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding Forty shillings and to a daily penalty not exceeding twenty shillings and the Corporation may themselves if they think fit do the work and recover the expense incurred by them in
that behalf from such owner or owners summarily.
79. The entrance to any court not being a highway repairable by the inhabitants at large to which good and sufficient access is not otherwise provided shall not at any time after the passing of this Act be closed or narrowed or built over or the height or headway thereof lowered without in each case the consent of the Corporation in writing.
Every person offending against this enactment shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds and to a daily penalty not exceeding forty shillings.
80. No building shall be erected (without the consent in writing of the Corporation) in any existing court on any land on which a building shall not be standing at the commencement of this Act and when in any existing court any buildings shall be burnt or pulled down to or below half the front thereof such building shall unless the Corporation consent otherwise in writing be entirely pulled down and removed and shall not without such consent be rebuilt.
Except in cases where the owner is prohibited by existing byelaws from erecting a building on any land in a court the Corporation shall make compensation to the owner and occupier of such land for any loss or damage sustained by him in consequence of the building being so pulled down removed and not rebuilt or of no building being erected as the case may be and in case of dispute as to the amount of compensation to be made by the Corporation under this section
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