[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.]

PART XVI.-Licensing
I54.-(1.) The Corporation may from time to time grant to any person whom they think fit a license to carry on the calling of luggage porter light porter public messenger or commissionaire and may demand and take for every such license any sum not exceeding one shilling for twelve months and in the like proportion for any shorter period not being less than three months.
(2.) Any such license may be granted on such terms and conditions as and be made liable to revocation or suspension in such cases and events as the Corporation may prescribe provided that notice of such terms and conditions and of such liability be attached thereto.
(3.) If any person while unlicensed represents himself to be licensed or wears any badge for the purpose of holding himself out as licensed to carry on any of the callings specified in this section he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty shillings.
155. No person shall carry on the business of a dealer in marine stores
without a license from the Corporation authorising such person to carry on such business which license the Corporation shall have power of granting or refusing Provided that the applicant may appeal to a court of quarter sessions from a refusal of the Corporation to grant such license.
156. Every person licensed under this Act to carry on the business of a dealer in marine stores shall cause to be painted in capital letters not less than four inches in height and of a proportionate and proper breadth on the outside of the front of the house in which such business is in his license stated to be carried on and so that the same shall be at all times plainly legible the
Christian name and surname of such licensed person at full length together with the words `` Licensed dealer in marine stores " and such person shall continue such name and words painted as aforesaid so long as he continues to carry on the said business upon the same premises.
157. An application for any marine store dealer's license shall be in such form as the Corporation shall from time to time require and shall be signed by the applicant and shall specify the
Christian name and surname and place of abode of the applicant and the place where such business is proposed to be carried on.
158. Every marine store dealer's license shall be in force for one year only from the day of the date of such license or until the next general licensing day in case any such general licensing day be appointed by the Corporation as they are hereby authorised to do.
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