[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.]

of those Acts and of this Act grant to the Corporation any easement right or privilege (not being an easement right or privilege of water in which other than parties to the agreement have an interest) required for the purposes of this Act in over or affecting any such lands and the provisions of the said Acts with respect to lands and rentcharges so far as the same are applicable in this behalf shall extend and apply to such grants and to such easements rights and privileges as aforesaid respectively.
51. The Corporation may subject to the sanction of the Local Government Board and under such conditions as they may prescribe from time to time appropriate and use for any of the purposes of this Act any lands for the time being vested in them as a municipal or urban sanitary authority and not required for the purposes for which the same were acquired but nothing in this section shall authorise the Corporation to create or permit any nuisance or to alter vary annul or affect any covenants or provisions contained in any lease or conveyance made to them by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England or their predecessors in title.
5., Notwithstanding anything in the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act 1845 or in any other Act or Acts
to the contrary the Corporation may retain hold and use for such time as they may think fit and may from time to time sell lease exchange or otherwise dispose of in such manner and for such consideration and purpose and on such terms and conditions as they think fit and in case of sale either in consideration of the execution of works or of the payment of a gross sum or of an annual rent or of any payment in any other form any lands or any interest in lands acquired by them under this Act and may sell exchange or dispose of any rents reserved on the sale exchange lease or disposition of such lands and may make do and execute any deed act or thing proper for effectuating any such sale lease exchange or other disposition and on any exchange may give or take any money for equality of exchange.
53. So long as any properties remain to be acquired or works to be constructed by the Corporation under the authority of this Act and for the acquisition of which they have under this Act powers unexercised for the borrowing of money the Corporation may so far as they consider necessary and to the extent of such unexercised borrowing powers apply moneys received by them on re-sale or by leasing or letting as aforesaid in the purchase of properties so remaining to be acquired or in the construction of such works but as to moneys so received and not so applied the same shall be distinguished as capital in the accounts of the Corporation and shall
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