







[59 & 60 Vict.] South Shields Corporation Act, 1896. [Ch. l.] 

124. The Corporation from time to time in any part of the borough liable to be flooded may by byelaw regulate the level of the ground floor of any new building in such part of the borough and any person who shall act in contravention of any such byelaw shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds and to a daily penalty not exceeding forty shillings.
125. Where any inn public-house beer-house eating-house or other place of public entertainment built before or after the passing of this Act has no urinal belonging or attached thereto the Corporation may order the owner of such inn public-house beer-house eating-house or other place of public entertainment to provide and maintain upon or adjoining the premises in a position to be specified in the order a urinal or urinals to the satisfaction of the Corporation And the Corporation may order the owner of any buildings or lands to remove any urinal belonging or attached thereto which appears to them so situated or constructed as to be a nuisance or offensive to public decency and if any person fails to comply with any of the provisions of this section he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty shillings and to a daily penalty not exceeding twenty shillings.
126. Where the Corporation under the provisions of the Public Health Acts provide and maintain for public accommodation any sanitary conveniences they may if they think fit provide and maintain and make reasonable charges for the use of lavatories for public accommodation in connexion with such sanitary conveniences.
127. The Corporation shall within three years from the passing of this Act provide under the powers of the Public Health Acts adequate slaughter-houses and from and after the provision thereof and after the expiration of one month from the date of the publication by the Corporation in two local newspapers circulating in the borough of notice to that effect no person shall except with their consent slaughter in the way of trade any cattle horse sheep or pig within the borough except in such slaughter-houses and if any person acts in any respect in contravention of this section he shall be liable for each offence to a penalty not exceeding five pounds Provided always that the Corporation shall make compensation to the owner or occupier of any registered slaughter-house who shall be injuriously affected by the exercise of the prohibition in this section contained.
128. Nothing in or done under this Act shall interfere with the operation or effect of the Diseases of Animals Act 1894 or of any Act which may amend the same or of any order or licence of the 

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South Shields Sanddancers